#38 Learning to Unlearn | Aprendiendo a desaprender

Uncategorized Aug 23, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Good morning, I'm Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching.

I hope you are having a good day and are ready to take advantage of the opportunities that each day brings us. Let us thank God for the opportunities he gives us.

Have you wondered why it is so difficult to change your opinion, way of thinking, routine, habits, way of grazing, cattle selection guides, ways of doing our numbers, etc.?

In my life I have learned and unlearned when I am exposed to better methods or new information that, after careful analysis, I see is better and makes sense.

By doing this we can move forward and not stay in the past because knowledge, especially in these times, advances in a fast and amazing way.

But, IT IS NOT EASY to change our minds, precisely because of something we call paradigm.

What is Paradigm in simple language?

A paradigm is a standard, perspective, or set of ideas. A paradigm is a way of looking at something. The word...

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#37 We are called to be stewards of the land | Somos llamados a ser mayordomos de la tierra

Uncategorized Aug 16, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Good morning, I am Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching.

I hope you are having a good day and are ready to take advantage of the opportunities of this day, week, month, and year.

Today I want to talk about a transcendental topic, not only for your farm and family but also for the whole world in which we live. Something that I have been thinking of more as I see how degraded we are leaving the world we live in for the next generations.

Why is it so important to think about the world we live in? Simply because the world, as a whole, is a closed ecosystem and what we do or fail to do has an impact, for better or worse, on other human beings within this closed ecosystem.

Let's think about this a little, will my actions be important to other people on the other side of the planet? Or are the actions of those people on the other side of the planet important to me and my local ecosystem?

The more we consider this, thinking it...

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#36 Regeneratively grazed animal products can heal and nurture your body

Uncategorized Aug 09, 2022

Good morning, everyone. I am Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching. Today I invited Dr. Diego Martínez-Conde, MD (Obesity & Comorbidities Specialty, and Masters in Applied Nutriology) who specializes in nutrition and helping people to get cured or improve their health by feeding or getting them grass-fed or pasture animal products.

By knowing the truth, which is NOT what we have been told for many years as we have been lied to by scientists not showing the full results of their studies when results contradicted what they wanted to show, you will be empowered to take control of your health and get rid of inflammatory foods that create the conditions for: Diabetes, Hypertension, Stroke, Cardiovascular problems and more.

Once you know for certain that Cholesterol and Omega 3 fatty acids are necessary for your optimum health, you will be able to break free of bad advice. Having a healthy and long life will allow you to enjoy your life and not fall into chronic diseases as...

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#35 Strategic Use of Irrigated Land | Como Eficientizar el Uso del Area Bajo Riego

Uncategorized Aug 02, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Hello, I hope you all are well and happy with today’s opportunities.

I am Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching and today’s subject will be How to best use our irrigated land.

This is a very important subject for those that have irrigation and for those who want to maximize their opportunities in livestock farming.

Your efficiency of land use will be greatly enhanced while you will avoid the huge problems that a drought gives to the rest of the ranchers or farmers.

We need to start by considering the WHOLE which I will call wholistic to include all the different factors that make up a successful ranch with high productivity and high profitability without depending on high-cost external inputs.

Please share the link to this podcast with others who may benefit from listening.
We know that most ranchers or farmers only harvest around half of the forage they produce. This has many causes and reasons.

First, I will...

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#34 How to Increase Wildlife in Your Property | Como Aumentar la Fauna Silvestre

Uncategorized Jul 26, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Hey, hello! 

I am Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching where our goal is to maximize your profitability while you improve your land the fastest.

Today, I am eager to share with you how to increase wildlife on your farm or ranch thanks to the Total Grazing program.

Remember that in this Total Grazing program, we do not only avoid overgrazing on your land to create more humus and higher quality forage, but also set aside around half of the property to use as a stockpile for winter and dry times feeding your livestock, and of course, your wildlife!

If you know of anyone that can benefit from hearing this, please share the link with them.

Wildlife is an essential part of the world we live in, and we want more of them and more diversity as they are also a signal of good environmental health.

So, we must ask the question, what can we do to draw or attract more wildlife into our properties? Well, let’s start with their...

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#33 Invitation to Masterclass: 3 Low-Cost Steps to Increase Stocking Rates Big Time

Uncategorized Jul 12, 2022

Hello! This is Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching where our goal is to maximize your profitability while you improve your land the fastest.

I love hosting this podcast and teaching the program of Total Grazing, this is because not only does it improve the environment, but it is because I get to meet and talk to people and students from all over the world, from all walks of life, ranchers, and farmers who are inspiring, who have been through loss and success and who have persisted and succeeded despite all odds, who have been through enormous challenges and are still standing.

I get so happy to get the chance to hear their stories and learn about their journey as they have gone through my total grazing course

But the best of all, is hearing about their success stories once they start applying the principles they have just learned.

Hearing about their successes, how they now have better soil, much leafier forage, more free time, less stress, and the list goes on...

The topic I am...

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#32 Will Total Grazing Lower Body Condition of My Livestock

Uncategorized Jul 05, 2022


Hey, hello! 

Welcome back to another episode of Fat Cows, Fat Wallet. 

I am Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching where our goal is to maximize your profitability while you improve your land the fastest.

I am very glad you are here because today’s episode is very insightful.

But before we start, I want to invite you to my brand-new masterclass called "3 Low-Cost Steps to Increase your Productivity Big Time".

And let me tell you, the scale of your operation or your livestock species doesn’t matter much because these steps are low-cost and will improve your productivity by following natural processes.

 These low-cost steps work with small or large scale, with cattle or sheep or goats. And they work everywhere!

It is going to be a very interesting class and I hope I see you there. We will have a live Q&A session at the end.

To save your spot just go to www.rwranching.com/masterclass.

You have two options to attend, one on Tuesday, July 12 at 6...

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#31 Strongest Myth: High Efficiency Grazing Will Harm Your Land | El mayor mito: La alta eficiencia de cosecha danara tu tierra

Uncategorized Jun 28, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Hello, I'm Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching where my goal is to help ranchers improve their land as fast as possible while maximizing their profitability. Today I want to talk about a myth that I hear frequently: high harvest efficiency or high grazing efficiency will damage your soil.

Where does this idea come from? I think it comes from an experiment done by a Professor Crider over 70 years ago where he demonstrated that under continuous grazing, you shouldn't graze more than half of the plant so that its roots would not shorten/disappear from the pasture. And I say that I think it comes from there because all those who keep repeating this, quote it in their bibliography.

Unfortunately, people take it as a fact, and although now we have electric fences and we can imitate nature by taking into account the basic needs of the plant by knowing its physiology in-depth, nothing has changed in these 70 years and it...

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#30 Does Total Grazing Work in All Environments? | Funciona el Pastoreo Total en Todos los Ambientes?

Uncategorized Jun 21, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Hi, I'm Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching. My priority is to help ranchers and farmers improve their land as quickly as possible while maximizing their profitability. Today, I'm going to talk to you about whether Total Grazing works in all environments.

To answer this question we must first know where the idea of making a total grazing program came from.

 Could it be that someone came up with some novel theory? Could it be that after much trial and error it was concluded that it was the best way to manage the grass, land, and animals? Or could it be, that we are trying to imitate nature taking into account the physiological needs of the plants that are grazed?

It is very important to know how to answer this question correctly because, as I always repeat, we must follow and help nature without contradicting it. Furthermore, if we do not follow nature, we will run the risk of deteriorating the environment...

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#29 Sheep and Total Grazing? Does it work? | Borregas de Pelo y el Pastoreo Total

Uncategorized Jun 14, 2022

(Versión en Español a continuación.)

Hello, I'm Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching where my goal is to help ranchers and farmers improve their land as quickly as possible while maximizing their profitability, today I'm going to talk to you about hair sheep under total grazing.

In my last Total Grazing course, I had many students from various parts of the world who asked if total grazing also applies to hair or wool sheep. Some others have goats but in this podcast, I am going to focus on hair sheep.

Around 25 years ago I had up to 1,000 hair sheep in a dry tropical environment doing total grazing before I even knew that type of grazing had a name.

My total grazing students know that we are looking for the highest harvest efficiency when grazing and we typically achieve 80 to 90% harvest efficiency with cattle, and cows. But I know that many people get scared when they hear this and they think of images of bare soil, without protection, and plants with short...

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