#107 Increasing your Soil's Long-Lived Carbon | Aumentando la fertilidad de tu suelo

Uncategorized May 07, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

 Hello, I hope you are well and thriving. I hope your Spring grass is coming up great and you have an abundance of fat livestock and making more money by converting your grass to saleable products as efficiently as possible. 

Do you know what it is that stops your farm or ranch from achieving its potential?

I mean, we know that your land has a certain potential and receives sunlight and rain depending on your location, right? But what is the potential that your land has? Is soil fertility limiting your land from producing more and better grass? Would you be able to produce more grass and leafier grass that provides better nutrition to your livestock if it were in a different environment? Maybe with better and spongier soil? Maybe with a higher long-lived soil carbon content?

 I want to tell you that a long time ago, before man, most places and environments produced much more than after man came and...

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#106 We are called to be Stewards of the Land | Somos llamados a ser mayordomos de la tierra

Uncategorized Apr 30, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

Hello, good morning! I hope you are well and enjoying this day and the new opportunities that God gives us

I would like to remind you that we, cattlemen and cattlewomen, those who manage land and livestock, are called to be good stewards.

But what does it mean that we are called to be good stewards? Stewardship refers to managing all the different parts of something, in this case, a livestock business that consists of land, livestock, people, pastures, soil microorganisms, trees, wildlife, insects, and our family.

So we want all of this to improve, not just the land or the pastures, not just our profitability, we want EVERYTHING to improve and to be able to leave to our descendants something better than what we received, our legacy.

Surely you have seen many examples of stewardship, people who buy or inherit a farm and improve it in such a way that it is now an example of how things should be done, a profitable farm in...

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#105 Minimal and Flexible Fencing Infrastucture

Uncategorized Apr 24, 2024

 Hello, I am Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching where our goal is for you to greatly increase your profits while you improve your land the fastest.

Today, we are going to talk about electric fencing, design, and costs.

When you are planning to double or triple your stocking rate, you need to have a well-designed simple paddock layout. To make this double rewarding you also need to make it so that you can move your livestock through your property to wherever you want without hassle. 

Then, you want to have your water alleys designed so that your livestock do not spend too much energy, this is especially important on steep slopes paddocks, and where there is much rock or in a large property.

Having a well-designed and built permanent electric fence minimal grid will save you tons of problems and frustration. Plus you will save money and time to spend with your family.

I hear from many people that electric fences do not work well or are not very effective. This usually...

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#104 Results with the Total Grazing Program | Resultados con el Programa de Pastoreo Total

Uncategorized Apr 16, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

Hello, I hope you are very well and enjoying this day, one more day that God gives us to enjoy and leave a better world than the one we received

I'm Jaime Elizondo from Ganadería Prospera where our focus is to help you maximize your profitability and improve your soil as quickly as possible.

I hope you have been to my masterclass: the Total Grazing Program and its Impact, if you have not done so yet you have the opportunity on Tuesday, April 16 at 6 pm Houston time.

Registration for the Total Grazing Program is now open! And they close on April 17, sign up at www.rwranching.com/pastoreototal

In the last blog, I talked about what it takes to double your stocking rate again compared to a selective rotational grazing style, which was already double the stocking rate over continuous or conventional grazing.

But why is it that in a selective and continuous rotational grazing system, they cannot achieve what we achieve in...

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#103 What is Needed to Double Your Stocking Rate Again | Qué se necesita para duplicar otra vez la carga animal

Uncategorized Apr 09, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

 Hello, I hope you are very well and enjoying this day, one more day that God gives us to enjoy and leave a better world than the one we received

I am Jim Elizondo of Real Wealth Ranching where our focus is on helping you to maximize profits while you improve your land the fastest

Do you want to be the best at what you do? It is very commendable to try to be the best possible in what you do, and if your passion is your livestock farm, I suggest that you not only compare yourself with the worst but also compare yourself with the best in the world.

Let me explain, when I played basketball in high school we were the champions in our city of almost a million people. But, when we went out to play in other states we quickly saw that we were not the best. So I decided to try to be the best in the world in what I am most passionate about, and that is helping ranchers maximize their profitability and the improvement of their...

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#102 What determines profits on a grazed livestock farm? | Como lograr la mayor carga animal y mejorar tu tierra

Uncategorized Apr 02, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

Hello, welcome to another episode of the Fat Wallet podcast. I hope you are doing well and enjoying this day, one more day that God gives us to enjoy and leave a better world than the one we received.

Today, I want to talk to you about how to achieve the highest stocking rate possible and improve your soil as quickly as possible.

You've probably been told that having too many cattle will limit the productivity of your farm, right? And if we think about conventional management with continuous grazing, that would be true: since there are more mouths to feed on the same property, the grass will run out faster and the livestock will go hungry. In addition, the pastures will be grazed and re-grazed frequently, and so many times that grass plants will die. We have all seen meadows like this, with a strong invasion of woody shrubs or undesirable grasses that have taken over the land due to bad management. So, under continuous...

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#101 The difference between the total grazing program and rotational selective grazing programs | Cuáles son las diferencias con otros programas de pastoreo

Uncategorized Mar 26, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

Hello, I hope you are very well and enjoying this day, one more day that God gives us to enjoy and to leave a better world than the one we received. I'm Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching, where our focus is to help you maximize your profitability and improve your soil as quickly as possible.

Today, I am going to talk to you about the very important differences of the total grazing program from other grazing programs or systems that are popular and that you may follow one of them.

For starters, in the total grazing program, our goal is to increase the amount of long-lived carbon in our soil, which lasts up to 100 years and determines its true fertility; you may say: that is also what other programs are looking for. And although it is true that they say that, they lack the knowledge of how this slow-cycle carbon is created in the soil. You see, until about 9 years ago, this was not known how this slow-cycle carbon is...

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#100 What Determines the Profitability of a Farm | Qué determina la rentabilidad de una finca?

Uncategorized Mar 21, 2024

(Versión en Español a continuación)

Hello, I hope you are well and enjoying your day. I'm Jim Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching, and I'm very happy that you're listening to me today.

We should take the time to enjoy life, it goes by so quickly right? There is nothing like our goals and our family

Speaking of this, have you considered your goals? Where should you focus your efforts on, to achieve your goals? These goals surely include profits because without money there is no success in our efforts.

I want to tell you something that will surely interest you: Stocking rate, and by stocking rate I mean the number of productive animals that you can keep on your farm per year at a low cost. The stocking rate is the factor that most influences the profits of a farm with livestock.

Did you know this? That the number of productive animals that you can maintain at a low cost per year on your farm determine your profitability?

If you do the numbers, you will see that no...

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#99 Ranching Made Simple

Uncategorized Mar 13, 2024

Hello, welcome to another episode of Fat Cows, Fat Wallet podcast.

I'm Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching and our goal is to help you maximize your productivity while improving your land faster.

I hope you are well and are enjoying your day or your evening after work, I believe in taking some time to enjoy life and what God offers us every day.

And you know that the Total Grazing Academy is closed now for enrollment. What I want to share with you today is great news!

For those who want to test the water, to see how nice it is before plunging in, we have created a straightforward 6-step program, this is so simple that we call this program: Ranching Made Simple!
An affordable membership helping livestock owners be profitable AND improve their land. 

Get this 6-step plan to improve your land and your profitability through on-demand courses, member masterclasses, and an exclusive community.

If you run out of grass in the dry season or winter, if you want to be profitable...

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#98 Why you should Join the Total Grazing Academy

Uncategorized Mar 05, 2024

Hello there, I'm Jaime Elizondo from Real Wealth Ranching and our goal is to help you maximize your productivity while improving your land faster. 

I hope you are well and are enjoying your day or your evening after work. I really believe in taking some time to enjoy life and what God offers us every day.

As you may know, we have created different online courses to help livestock owners improve their land the fastest while they maximize their productivity; we concentrate on following nature to maintain our costs low and create real wealth in our properties. Things like: Understanding that stocking rate: the higher number of productive livestock we can maintain at a low cost per year determines profitability on a farm; and how real-life fertility determines profitability on a cow or a ewe; increasing fertility in our soil by creating more slow cycling organic matter; greatly increasing grass production per acre by managing our livestock grazing to create leafier regrowth after...

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